tkwant 1.1.1+11.g5f1a505 documentation¶
- 1. Preliminaries
- 2. Tutorial
- 2.1. Introduction
- 2.2. Getting started: a simple example with a one-dimensional chain
- 2.3. Second example: Fabry-Perot interferometer
- 2.4. Time-dependent potentials and pulses
- 2.5. Solving one-body problems
- 2.6. Solving the many-body problem
- 2.7. Green functions
- 2.8. Accounting for possible boundstates present in the system
- 2.9. Self-consistent Tkwant: a generic solver for time-dependent mean field calculations
- 2.10. Advanced onebody settings
- 2.11. Advanced manybody settings
- 2.12. Boundary conditions
- 2.13. Parallelization with MPI
- 2.14. Logging
- 2.15. More examples
- 2.16. Frequent pitfalls encountered when doing Tkwant simulations
- 2.17. Frequently asked questions
- 3. Core modules
- 4. Modules mainly for internal use
- 4.1.
– Tools for time-dependent and open Kwant systems - 4.2.
– Evaluating the right hand side of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation - 4.3.
– Solvers for ordinary differential equations - 4.4.
– Fixed-order integration quadratures - 4.5.
– Parallelizing simulations with the Message Passing Interface (MPI) - 4.6.
– Logging
- 4.1.
- 5. Extensions