1.2. What’s new in Tkwant¶
Version 1.1
new class manybody.Greenfuncion() to calculate nonequilibrium Greenfunctions
new module interaction, including the class interaction.SelfConsistentState(), for generalized self-consistent calculations
new routine manybody.boundstates_present() to check whether boundstates are present
new class tkwant.system.siteId() to simplify indexing in a Kwant system
changed Hamiltonian pertubation interpolation to use adaptive stepsize control
simplified lead occupation and generalization for multiorbital systems
additional tutorial sections (elect. vs. chem. potential, green functions, self-consistent calculations, boundstates, frequent tkwant pitfalls)
special analytical reference implementations (for calculating Green functions on dot arrays)
optimization for performance and memory consumption
optional mode to further reduce memory footprint
improved logging and debug infos
reduced library dependencies for building Tkwant
Version 1.0
initial release