Source code for tkwant.system

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2022 tkwant authors.
# This file is part of tkwant.  It is subject to the license terms in the file
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# A list of tkwant authors can be found in
# the file AUTHORS.rst at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
"""Tools for extracting time-dependent parts of Kwant systems."""

import numpy as np
import inspect
import scipy.sparse as sp
import kwant

from .import _common

__all__ = ['add_time_to_params', 'ExtendedSystem',
           'is_time_dependent_function', 'orb_range', 'siteId', 'Hamiltonian']

[docs]def add_time_to_params(params, time_name, time, check_numeric_type=False): """Add a ``time_name: time`` key-value pair to a ``params`` dict. Parameters ---------- params : dict or None Input dict. Can be empty or None. ``params`` must not contain the ``time_name`` key - this will raise a `KeyError`. time_name : obj A dict key to refer to the "time". time : obj The actual value of "time". check_numeric_type : bool, optional If true, check if the `time` argument is a finite real number. By default, no check is performed. Returns ------- tparams : dict A copy of the input dict ``params`` that contains an additional ``time_name: time`` key-value pair. """ if check_numeric_type: if not _common.is_type(time, 'real_number', require_finite=True): raise TypeError('time must be a finite real number') if params is None: tparams = {} else: if time_name in params: raise KeyError("'params' must not contain {}".format(time_name)) tparams = params.copy() tparams[time_name] = time return tparams
[docs]class ExtendedSystem: """Hamiltonian matrix of central system + boundary conditions. Parameters ---------- hamiltonian : `~scipy.sparse.coo_matrix` The Hamiltonian matrix of the central system + boundary conditions. boundary_slices : sequence of `slice` Slices into ``hamiltonian`` that project onto the boundary conditions. syst : `~kwant.system.FiniteSystem` The original kwant system. tmax : float, optional Optional maximal time until when the boundary is valid. """ def __init__(self, syst, H0, boundary_slices, solver, work, tmax=None): self.syst = syst self.H0 = H0 self.boundary_slices = boundary_slices self.solver = solver = work self.tmax = tmax
def _hamiltonian_with_boundaries(syst, boundaries, params): r"""Generate the Hamiltonian with boundary conditions attached. Only generate the time-independent part of the Hamiltonian. The boundary conditions are represented by matrices :math:`h_n` (one per lead) that will form a direct sum with the Hamiltonian of the central system, :math:`H_S`: .. math:: H_{tot} = H_S \oplus h_0 \oplus h_1 \oplus \cdots In addition, coupling terms given by the lead inter-cell hoppings will be added between the added boundary conditions and the corresponding lead interface in the central system Hamiltonian. Parameters ---------- syst : `~kwant.system.FiniteSystem` System with leads attached. boundaries : sequence of `~tkwant.leads.BoundaryBase` The boundary conditions to attach; one per lead. params : dict, optional Extra arguments to pass to the Hamiltonian of ``syst`` at the initial time. Must include the time argument explicitly if Hamiltonian is time dependent. Returns ------- Hamiltonian H0 and first boundary slice to the lead. """ if not len(syst.leads) == len(boundaries): raise ValueError('Number of leads= {} does not match ' 'the number of boundaries provided= {}' .format(len(syst.leads), len(boundaries))) # generate time-independent Hamiltonian and boundary condition # matrices and glue them together boundaries = [bc(lead, params) for lead, bc in zip(syst.leads, boundaries)] h_0 = syst.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=params, sparse=True) h_tot = sp.block_diag([h_0] + [bdy.hamiltonian for bdy in boundaries], format='lil') boundary_slices = [] # couple central system to boundary conditions and vice versa orb_offset = h_0.shape[0] for lead, lead_iface, boundary in zip(syst.leads, syst.lead_interfaces, boundaries): V = lead.inter_cell_hopping(params=params) # slices over lead interface orbitals within the lead num_iface_sites = lead.graph.num_nodes - lead.cell_size V_slices = [slice(*orb_range(lead, s)) for s in range(num_iface_sites)] # slices going *to* and *from* the boundary conditions/central system to_slices = [slice(*(s + orb_offset)) for s in boundary.to_slices] from_slices = [slice(*(s + orb_offset)) for s in boundary.from_slices] # iterate through all sites in the interface -- they have to # be treated separately, as interface sites in `syst` are not # necessarily grouped consecutively. for syst_site, V_slice in zip(lead_iface, V_slices): syst_slice = slice(*orb_range(syst, syst_site)) # coupled *to* system, *from* boundary conditions for to_slice in to_slices: h_tot[syst_slice, to_slice] =\ V[:, V_slice].conjugate().transpose() # couple *from* system, *to* boundary conditions for from_slice in from_slices: h_tot[from_slice, syst_slice] = V[:, V_slice] pass # remember which orbitals correspond to this boundary condition boundary_slices.append(slice(orb_offset, orb_offset + boundary.hamiltonian.shape[0])) # now point to the start of the next boundary condition block orb_offset += boundary.hamiltonian.shape[0] return h_tot.tocsr(), boundary_slices
[docs]def is_time_dependent_function(obj, time_name): """Return `True` if `obj` is callable and has a time argument""" return callable(obj) and time_name in str(inspect.signature(obj))
[docs]def orb_range(syst, site): """Return the first orbital of this and the next site. Parameters ---------- syst : `~kwant.system.System` site : int Returns ------- pair of integers """ assert 0 <= site < syst.graph.num_nodes if syst.site_ranges is None: raise RuntimeError('Number of orbitals not defined.\n' 'Declare the number of orbitals using the `norbs` ' 'keyword argument when constructing site families') # Calculate the index of the run that contains the site. column = np.asarray(syst.site_ranges)[:, 0] run_idx = np.searchsorted(column, site, 'right') - 1 # calculate the slice first_site, norbs, orb_offset = syst.site_ranges[run_idx] orb = orb_offset + (site - first_site) * norbs return orb, orb + norbs
class siteId: """Get the site index from the lattice position For instance, building a kwant system with: lat = kwant.lattice.square(a=1) syst = kwant.Builder() syst[lat(3, 4)] = 42 syst = syst.finalized() the second line of: idx = siteId(syst, lat) idx(3, 4) will return the index of the site (whose onsite element has been set to 42 in the lines above) in kwant ordering. """ def __init__(self, syst, lat): if not isinstance(syst, kwant.system.System): raise TypeError("'syst' must be an instance of 'kwant.system.System'") self._syst = syst self._lat = lat def __call__(self, *lat_coord, orbital=0): """Return the site index for a given lattice index. Parameters ---------- lat_coord : tuple of int Lattice coordinates to refer to a lattice positions. orbital: int Orbital index Returns ------- site_id : int The site index in kwant ordering. """ site = self._lat(*lat_coord) site_id = self._syst.id_by_site[site] group = None for elem, (xx, _, _) in enumerate(self._syst.site_ranges): if xx > site_id: group = elem - 1 break try: first_site, norbs, orb_offset = self._syst.site_ranges[group] except TypeError: raise ValueError('Group position not found') if not 0 <= orbital < norbs: raise ValueError("'0 <= orbital < norbs'; orbital={}, norbs={}" .format(orbital, norbs)) return (site_id - orb_offset) * norbs + orb_offset + orbital def _site_to_matpos(syst, site): pos = syst.id_by_site[site] group = None for elem, (xx, _, _) in enumerate(syst.site_ranges): if xx > pos: group = elem - 1 break try: first_site, norbs, orb_offset = syst.site_ranges[group] except TypeError: raise ValueError('Group position not found') return (pos - orb_offset) * norbs + orb_offset, norbs class Hamiltonian: """Construct a Hamiltonian matrix for a single site or hopping. Constructing a kwant system with builder is simple. However, once a system is finalized, Kwant has put onsite elements and hoppings in some ordering and it is not evident to get the positions correctly. This routine constructs a Hamiltonian matrix given directly the site, or the hopping position. On initialization, the Hamiltonian matrix is construced. Calling the get method, one needs to provide the matrix subblock, which is inserted at the site or hopping position in the full Hamiltonian matrix. """ def __init__(self, syst, site=None, hopping=None): if site is None and hopping is None: raise ValueError('either a site or a hopping must be present') if site is not None and hopping is not None: raise ValueError('site and hopping are mutually exclusive') if site is not None: pos1, norbs1 = _site_to_matpos(syst, site) pos2, norbs2 = pos1, norbs1 self._is_hopping = False else: assert len(hopping) == 2 pos1, norbs1 = _site_to_matpos(syst, hopping[0]) pos2, norbs2 = _site_to_matpos(syst, hopping[1]) self._is_hopping = True self._size = syst.site_ranges[-1][2] # total hamiltonian size row = [] col = [] for i in range(norbs1): for j in range(norbs2): row.append(pos1 + i) col.append(pos2 + j) if self._is_hopping: self._row = np.asarray(row + col) self._col = np.asarray(col + row) else: self._row = np.asarray(row) self._col = np.asarray(col) return def get(self, submat): data = np.asarray(submat).flatten() if self._is_hopping: data = np.append(data, np.asarray(submat).T.conjugate().flatten()) qt = sp.coo_matrix((data, (self._row, self._col)), dtype=complex, shape=(self._size, self._size)) qt.eliminate_zeros() return qt