# Copyright 2016-2022 tkwant authors.
# This file is part of tkwant. It is subject to the license terms in the file
# LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
# https://tkwant.kwant-project.org/doc/stable/pre/license.html.
# A list of tkwant authors can be found in
# the file AUTHORS.rst at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
# https://tkwant.kwant-project.org/doc/stable/pre/authors.html.
"""Tools for solving the one-body time-dependent Schrödinger equation."""
import collections.abc
import functools
from cmath import exp
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import kwant
import kwantspectrum
from .. import leads, _common, _logging, system
from . import kernels, solvers
__all__ = ['WaveFunction', 'ScatteringStates', 'Task', 'make_extended_system',
# set module logger
logger = _logging.make_logger(name=__name__)
log_func = _logging.log_func(logger)
# data formats
[docs]class Task:
"""Data format to store the set of quantum numbers that uniquely indentifies
a onebody state and the weight of that state in the manybody sum.
lead : int
lead index
mode : int
scattering mode index
energy : float
energy of the onebody state
momentum : float
momentum of the onebody state
weight : float or numpy float array
weighting factor of the one-body state in the manybody sum
weigth = math_weight * phys_weight, where math_weight is the weighting
factor from the integration quadrature
math_weight : float or numpy float array
mathematical weighting factor from the numerical quadrature rule
phys_weight : float
physical weighting factor (fermi function, pi factors..)
def __init__(self, lead: int, mode: int, energy: float, weight: float,
math_weight: float = None, phys_weight: float = None,
momentum: float = None):
self.lead = lead
self.mode = mode
self.energy = energy
self.momentum = momentum
self.weight = weight
self.math_weight = math_weight
self.phys_weight = phys_weight
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Task):
return NotImplemented
return (
(self.lead, self.mode, self.energy, self.momentum,
self.weight, self.math_weight, self.phys_weight) ==
(other.lead, other.mode, other.energy, other.momentum,
other.weight, other.math_weight, other.phys_weight))
def __str__(self):
string = "onebody task: lead={lead}, mode={mode}, " \
"energy={energy}, momentum={momentum}, " \
"weight={weight}, math_weight={math_weight}, " \
return string
def _operator_bound(operator):
"""Return True iff operator is bound"""
return bool(operator._bound_onsite or operator._bound_hamiltonian)
except AttributeError:
if hasattr(operator, '_bound_onsite'):
return bool(operator._bound_onsite)
if hasattr(operator, '_bound_hamiltonian'):
return bool(operator._bound_hamiltonian)
return False
def _get_time_name_from_wavefunction(wavefunction_type=None, derived_type=None):
"""Return name, initial time and onebody wave function type"""
default_arg = _common.get_default_function_argument
if wavefunction_type is None:
wavefunction_type = default_arg(derived_type, 'wavefunction_type')
time_name = default_arg(wavefunction_type, 'time_name')
time_start = default_arg(wavefunction_type, 'time_start')
except Exception:
time_name = _common.time_name
time_start = _common.time_start
wavefunction_type = None
logger.warning('retrieving initial time and time argument name from',
'the onebody wavefunction failed, use default values: ',
'"time_name"={}, "time_start"={}'.format(time_name,
return time_name, time_start, wavefunction_type
class _PerturbationWrap:
def __init__(self, wt):
self.wt = wt
self.qt = None # this will hold the interaction
self._perturb_set = False
def size(self):
return wt.size
def set(self, qt):
self.qt = qt
self._perturb_set = True
def evaluate(self, time):
wt = self.wt.evaluate(time)
qt = self.qt(time)
return wt + qt
except Exception:
return wt
def apply(self, time, ket, out):
self.wt.apply(time, ket, out)
except Exception as exept:
if self.wt is None:
raise exept
if self._perturb_set:
qt = self.qt(time)
out[:] += qt * ket
def make_extended_system(syst, solver_type, boundaries=None, tparams=None):
tmax = None
if syst.leads:
if not boundaries:
raise ValueError('Must provide boundary conditions for '
'systems with leads.')
H0, boundary_slices = system._hamiltonian_with_boundaries(syst, boundaries,
# if any boundary has a tmax, then take it. if the tmax are different,
# we will always take the lowest for safety
for bdr in boundaries:
if bdr.tmax is not None:
if tmax is not None:
tmax = min(tmax, bdr.tmax)
tmax = bdr.tmax
if boundaries is not None:
logger.warning('boundaries will not be used for extended system')
H0 = syst.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=tparams, sparse=True)
boundary_slices = None
size = H0.shape[0]
assert _common.is_type(size, 'integer')
solver = solver_type(size)
work = np.zeros((size,), dtype=complex)
return system.ExtendedSystem(syst, H0, boundary_slices, solver, work, tmax)
[docs]class WaveFunction:
r"""A class to solve the time-dependent single-particle wavefunction.
The time-dependent single-particle Schrödinger equation is
:math:`i \partial_t \psi = (H_0 + W(t)) \psi`,
where the total Hamiltonian :math:`H(t) = H_0 + W(t)` has been splitted
into a static part :math:`H_0` and a time-dependent perturbation
:math:`W(t)`. Moreover, the initial condition is :math:`\psi(t_0)`
and :math:`W(t)` is expected to be absent before the initial time
:math:`W(t) = 0 \,\, \text{for} \,\, t \leq t_0`.
If an energy :math:`E` is provided, this routine expects that
the initial condition represents the scattering state :math:`\psi_{st}`
that solves the time-independent Schrödinger equation
:math:`H_0 \psi_{st} = E \psi_{st}, \, \psi_{st} = \psi(t_0)`.
For numerical reasons, the evolution is then performed in the variable
:math:`i \partial_t \bar{\psi} = (H_0 + W(t) - E) \bar{\psi} + W(t) \psi_{st}`,
:math:`\psi = (\bar{\psi} - \psi_{st}) e^{-i E (t - t_0)}`.
See `J. Weston and X. Waintal, Phys. Rev. B 93, 134506 (2016)
def __init__(self, H0, W, psi_init, energy=None, params=None,
time_start=_common.time_start, time_name=_common.time_name,
kernel_type=kernels.default, solver_type=solvers.default,
work=None, inplace=False, tmax=None):
H0 : array-like
The static part of the Hamiltonian matrix, :math:`H_0`.
W : callable or `None`
Time-dependent part of the Hamiltonian matrix, :math:`W(t)`. Typically
the object returned by `tkwant.system.extract_perturbation`.
psi_init : array of complex
The state :math:`\psi(t_0)` from which to start, defined over the
central region.
energy : float, optional
If provided, then ``psi_init`` is assumed to be an eigenstate
of energy :math:`E`. If the Hamiltonian represents an open
quantum system with leads, then ``psi_init`` is
assumed to be the projection of a scattering state at energy :math:`E`
on to the central part of the system.
params : dict, optional
Extra arguments to pass to the time-dependent Hamiltonian
function :math:`W(t)`, excluding time.
time_start : float, optional
The initial time :math:`t_0`. Default value is zero.
time_name : str, optional
The name of the time argument :math:`t`. Default name: *time*.
kernel_type : `tkwant.onebody.solvers.default`, optional
The kernel to calculate the right-hand-site of the
Schrödinger equation.
solver_type : `tkwant.onebody.solvers.default`, optional
The solver used to evolve the wavefunction forward in time.
work : `~numpy.ndarray` of complex, optional
Workarray of size ``H0.shape[0]`` for performance and memory optimization.
inplace : bool, optional
If true and ``energy`` is not None,
the term ``H0 - E`` is calculated inplace in order to save memory.
If ``energy`` is None, ``inplace`` has no effect.
tmax : float, optional
Optional maximal time until when the boundary is valid.
# The size of the central scattering region. The central scattering
# region can be smaller as the total size (kernel.size) of the system
# in case of boundary conditions.
syst_size = psi_init.size
hamiltonian_size = H0.shape[0]
if syst_size > hamiltonian_size:
raise ValueError('initial condition size={} is larger than the '
'Hamiltonian matrix H0 size={}'
.format(syst_size, hamiltonian_size))
# The perturbation W(t) must, if present, always match the size of the
# central scattering region. The true leads are never time dependent.
if W is not None:
if not W.size == syst_size:
raise ValueError('initial condition size={} must be equal '
'to the perturbation W size={}'
.format(syst_size, W.size))
if work is not None:
if not work.size == hamiltonian_size:
raise ValueError('work array size={} must be equal '
'Hamiltonian matrix H0 size={}'
.format(work.size, hamiltonian_size))
# transform initial psi to psibar and psi_st
# note that the dgl is always solved in the variable psibar
psibar = np.zeros((hamiltonian_size,), complex)
if energy is not None:
# starting from an arbitrary state, so we need
# to be solving: H0 @ psi + W(t) @ psi
psi_st = np.array(psi_init, complex)
# we are starting from an eigenstate, so we need to
# be solving: (H0 - E) @ psibar + W(t) @ (psibar + psi_st)
# and psi = (psibar + psi_st) * exp(-1j * energy * time)
psi_st = None
psibar[:syst_size] = psi_init
# get the object that will actually do the time stepping
self.solver = solver_type(hamiltonian_size)
except Exception:
self.solver = solver_type
if not self.solver.size == hamiltonian_size:
raise ValueError('solver size={} must be equal to '
'Hamiltonian matrix H0 size={}'
.format(self.solver.size, hamiltonian_size))
# kernel to evaluate the r.h.s. of the Schödinger eq.
if not inplace and energy is not None:
self.kernel = kernel_type(H0 - energy * sp.eye(hamiltonian_size),
W, psi_st, work)
self.kernel = kernel_type(H0, W, psi_st, work)
self._inplace = True if (inplace and energy is not None) else False
self.psibar = psibar
self.psi_st = psi_st
self._syst_size = syst_size
self.time_name = time_name
self.time_start = time_start
self.time = time_start
self.params = params
self.energy = energy
self.tmax = tmax
self._perturb = None
[docs] @classmethod
def from_kwant(cls, syst, psi_init, boundaries=None, energy=None, params=None,
time_start=_common.time_start, time_name=_common.time_name,
kernel_type=kernels.default, solver_type=solvers.default,
"""Set up a time-dependent onebody wavefunction from a kwant system.
syst : `kwant.builder.FiniteSystem`
The low level system for which the wave functions are to be
psi_init : array of complex
The state from which to start, defined over the central region.
boundaries : sequence of `~tkwant.leads.BoundaryBase`, optional
The boundary conditions for each lead attached to ``syst``.
Must be provided for a system with leads.
energy : float, optional
If provided, then ``psi_init`` is assumed to be an eigenstate
of energy *E*. If ``syst`` has leads, then ``psi_init`` is
assumed to be the projection of a scattering state at energy *E*
on to the central part of the system.
params : dict, optional
Extra arguments to pass to the Hamiltonian of ``syst``, excluding time.
time_start : float, optional
The initial time :math:`t_0`. Default value is zero.
time_name : str, optional
The name of the time argument :math:`t`. Default name: *time*.
kernel_type : `tkwant.onebody.solvers.default`, optional
The kernel to calculate the right-hand-site of the
Schrödinger equation.
solver_type : `tkwant.onebody.solvers.default`, optional
The solver used to evolve the wavefunction forward in time.
perturbation_type : `tkwant.onebody.kernels.ExtractPerturbation`, optional
Class to extract the time dependent perturbation :math:`W(t)`
out of ``syst``.
wave_function : `tkwant.onebody.WaveFunction`
A time-dependent onebody wavefunction at the initial time.
# add initial time to the params dict
tparams = system.add_time_to_params(params, time_name=time_name,
time=time_start, check_numeric_type=True)
if isinstance(syst, kwant.system.System):
extended_syst = make_extended_system(syst, solver_type, boundaries, tparams)
elif isinstance(syst, system.ExtendedSystem):
extended_syst = syst
syst = extended_syst.syst
raise TypeError('"syst" must be a finalized kwant system '
'or a "tkwant.system.ExtendedSystem"')
syst_size = extended_syst.syst.site_ranges[-1][2]
if not psi_init.size == syst_size:
raise ValueError('Size of the initial condition={} does not match '
'the total number of orbitals in the central '
'system ={}'.format(psi_init.size, syst_size))
H0 = extended_syst.H0
work = extended_syst.work
solver = extended_syst.solver
tmax = extended_syst.tmax
W = syst.time_dependent_perturbation(time_name, time_start, params)
except AttributeError:
W = perturbation_type(syst, time_name, time_start, params=params)
return cls(H0, W, psi_init, energy, params,
time_start, time_name, kernel_type, solver, work, tmax=tmax)
[docs] def psi(self):
r"""Return the wavefunction :math:`\psi(t)` at the current time *t*.
psi : `~numpy.ndarray`
The wavefunction at ``time``. If this wavefunction is
for a system with leads, then the wavefunction projected
onto the central region is returned.
if self.energy is None: # psi = psibar
return self.psibar[:self._syst_size].copy()
# else : psi = (psibar + psi_st) * exp(-i E (t - t0))
return ((self.psibar[:self._syst_size] + self.psi_st) *
exp(-1j * self.energy * (self.time - self.time_start)))
[docs] def evolve(self, time):
Evolve the wavefunction :math:`\psi(t)` foreward in time up to
:math:`t =` ``time``.
time : int or float
time argument up to which the solver should be evolved
# `time` corresponds to the future time, to which we will evolve
if time < self.time:
raise ValueError('Cannot evolve backwards in time')
if time == self.time:
if self.tmax is not None:
if time > self.tmax:
logger.warning('time > tmax; time= {}, tmax= {}'. format(time, self.tmax))
# evolve forward in time
if self._inplace:
next_psibar = self.solver(self.psibar, self.time, time,
next_psibar = self.solver(self.psibar, self.time, time,
# update internal state and return
self.psibar, self.time = next_psibar, time
[docs] def evaluate(self, observable):
Evaluate the expectation value of an operator at the current time *t*.
For an operator :math:`\hat{O}` the expectation value is
:math:`O(t) = \langle \psi(t) | \hat{O} |\psi(t) \rangle`.
observable : callable or `kwant.operator`
An operator :math:`\hat{O}` to evaluate the expectation value.
Must have the calling signature of `kwant.operator`.
result : numpy array
The expectation value :math:`O(t)` of ``observable``.
if _operator_bound(observable):
raise ValueError("Operator must not use pre-bind values")
tparams = system.add_time_to_params(self.params, time_name=self.time_name,
return observable(self.psi(), params=tparams)
[docs] def add_perturbation(self, qt):
"""Add a time-dependent perturbation to the Hamiltonian
H(t) = H_0 + W(t)
it is modified to
H(t) = H_0 + W(t) + Q(t)
if self._perturb is None:
self._perturb = _PerturbationWrap(self.kernel.W)
[docs] def h0(self):
"""Return the static Hamiltonian matrix H0 in the central scattering region"""
h0 = self.kernel.H0[:self._syst_size, :self._syst_size]
if self._inplace:
return h0
return h0 + self.energy * sp.eye(self._syst_size)
[docs] def wt(self):
"""Return the time dependent Hamiltonian matrix W(time) in the central scattering region.
If add_perturbation has been called previously, this routine returns W(t) + Q(t).
return self.kernel.W.evaluate(self.time)
[docs] def hamiltonian(self):
"""Return the full Hamiltonian matrix H = H0 + W(time) in the central scattering region.
If add_perturbation has been called previously, this routine returns H0 + W(t) + Q(t).
return self.h0() + self.wt()
[docs]class ScatteringStates(collections.abc.Iterable):
"""Calculate time-dependent wavefunctions starting in an equilibrium scattering state"""
def __init__(self, syst, energy, lead, tmax=None, params=None, spectra=None,
boundaries=None, equilibrium_solver=kwant.wave_function,
syst : `kwant.builder.FiniteSystem`
The low level system for which the wave functions are to be
energy : float
Energy of the scattering eigenstate.
lead : int
Lead index to construct the scattering state.
tmax : float, optional
The maximum time up to which to simulate. Sets the boundary conditions
such that they are guaranteed to be correct up to 'tmax'. Mutually
exclusive with 'boundaries'.
params : dict, optional
Extra arguments to pass to the Hamiltonian of ``syst``, excluding time.
spectra : sequence of `kwantspectrum.spectrum`, optional
Energy dispersion :math:`E_n(k)` for the leads. Must have
the same length as ``syst.leads``. Required only if
no ``boundaries`` are provided. If needed but not present,
it will be calculated on the fly from `syst.leads`.
boundaries : sequence of `~tkwant.leads.BoundaryBase`, optional
The boundary conditions for each lead attached to ``syst``. Mutually
exclusive with 'tmax'.
equilibrium_solver : `kwant.wave_function`, optional
Solver for initial equilibrium scattering problem.
wavefunction_type : `WaveFunction`, optional
One-body time-dependent wave function. Name of the time argument and
initial time are taken from this class. If this is not possible,
default values are used as a fallback.
An instance of this class behaves like a sequence of `WaveFunction`
instances. The index in the sequence corresponds to the scattering mode.
The name of the time argument (`time_name`) and the initial time
of the evolution (`time_start`) are taken from the default
values of the `WaveFunction.__init__` method. Changing the default
values by partial prebind (e.g. via functools) is possible.
if isinstance(syst, kwant.system.System):
extended_syst = None
elif isinstance(syst, system.ExtendedSystem):
if boundaries is not None:
logger.warning('boundaries will not be used for extended system')
extended_syst = syst
syst = extended_syst.syst
raise TypeError('"syst" must be a finalized kwant system '
'or a "tkwant.system.ExtendedSystem"')
if not syst.leads:
raise AttributeError("system has no leads.")
if tmax is not None and boundaries is not None:
raise ValueError("'boundaries' and 'tmax' are mutually exclusive.")
if not _common.is_type(energy, 'real_number'):
raise TypeError('energy must be a real number')
if not _common.is_type(lead, 'integer'):
raise TypeError('lead index must be an integer')
if lead >= len(syst.leads):
raise ValueError("lead index must be smaller than {}.".format(len(syst.leads)))
# get initial time and time argument name from the onebody wavefunction
time_name, time_start, _ = _get_time_name_from_wavefunction(wavefunction_type)
# add initial time to the params dict
tparams = system.add_time_to_params(params, time_name=time_name,
time=time_start, check_numeric_type=True)
if extended_syst is None:
solver_type = _common.get_default_function_argument(wavefunction_type,
if boundaries is None:
if spectra is None:
spectra = kwantspectrum.spectra(syst.leads, params=tparams)
boundaries = leads.automatic_boundary(spectra, tmax)
extended_syst = make_extended_system(syst, solver_type, boundaries, tparams)
scattering_states = equilibrium_solver(syst, energy=energy, params=tparams)
self._psi_st = scattering_states(lead)
self._wavefunction = functools.partial(wavefunction_type,
syst=extended_syst, params=params)
self.energy = energy
self.lead = lead
def __getitem__(self, mode):
"""Return a time-dependent wavefunction for the corresponding scattering mode.
mode : int
Mode index of the scattering wavefunction.
wave_function : `WaveFunction`
The time-dependent wave function starting in the scattering mode.
Two additional attributes, ``lead`` and ``mode`` are added
to the wave function.
if not _common.is_type(mode, 'integer'):
raise TypeError('mode index must be an integer')
if mode >= len(self._psi_st):
raise KeyError('no open scattering mode={}; '
'number of open modes={} for energy={} and lead={}'
.format(self.lead, mode, self.energy, len(self._psi_st)))
psi = self._wavefunction(psi_init=self._psi_st[mode], energy=self.energy)
psi.lead = self.lead
psi.mode = mode
return psi
def __len__(self):
"""Return the number of open scattering modes."""
return len(self._psi_st)
def __iter__(self):
"""Return an iterable sequence of all open modes."""
return (self[mode] for mode in range(len(self)))