Source code for tkwant.leads

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2022 tkwant authors.
# This file is part of tkwant.  It is subject to the license terms in the file
# LICENSE.rst found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
# A list of tkwant authors can be found in
# the file AUTHORS.rst at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
"""Tools for dealing with time-dependent infinite, periodic leads.

Also contains tools for dealing with boundary conditions that simulate
the effect of leads when solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation.

import abc
import bisect
import functools as ft
import collections
import inspect
import math
import cmath
from math import ceil
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse as sp
from scipy.optimize import brentq

import kwant
import kwantspectrum
import tinyarray as ta
from . import _common, _logging

__all__ = ['add_voltage', 'SimpleBoundary', 'MonomialAbsorbingBoundary',
           'GenericAbsorbingBoundary', 'automatic_boundary',
           'AbsorbingReflectionSolver', 'AnalyzeReflection',

# set module logger
logger = _logging.make_logger(name=__name__)
log_func = _logging.log_func(logger)

# TODO: change this when Kwant can have further than nearest-neighbor
#       hoppings in leads
[docs]@log_func def add_voltage(syst, lead, phase): r"""Add a time-dependent voltage to a lead. Add a lead unit cell to the ``syst`` where ``lead`` is attached, and couple this to ``syst`` with a time-dependent hopping that effectively adds a voltage to the lead. Parameters ---------- syst : `kwant.builder.Builder` The central system, with its leads already attached. Modified on return. lead : int The number of the lead on which to apply the voltage. phase : callable Function specifying the anti-derivative of the voltage. Takes takes the same extra arguments as the Hamiltonian value functions, starting with the time. Returns either a scalar or a one-dimensional sequence: one element per orbital on a site. Must return 0 (or a sequence of zeros) at time 0. Returns ------- tuple The sites added to the system. Raises ------ ValueError If the ``phase`` argument is not callable, or if sites in the lead interface belong to different domains Notes ----- Formally, this function adds a single lead cell to the system and attaches the previous lead interface to it with a hopping :math:`(1 \otimes \exp[iX(t)])V`, where V is the hopping between lead unit cells, 1 is the unit matrix over the interface sites and X(t) is a square diagonal matrix over the orbitals on one site, specified by the ``phase`` parameter. This corresponds to adding a voltage X'(t) to each site in the lead. In the most common case of 1 orbital per site X(t) is a scalar. This function only works if the lead was attached with ``attach_lead``, If any exceptions are raised in this function there are no guarantees that the system was not modified. """ if not isinstance(syst, kwant.builder.Builder): raise TypeError('"syst" must be an instance of ``kwant.builder.Builder``' '(not a finalized system)') lead_builder = syst.leads[lead].builder interface = syst.leads[lead].interface sym = lead_builder.symmetry interface_dom = sym.which(interface[0]) # check for valid inputs if not callable(phase): raise ValueError('Phase function is not callable') # sanity check that interface sites are all in the same domain, # in any case, if this is not true Kwant will not be able to # finalise the system if not all(sym.which(s) == interface_dom for s in interface): raise ValueError('Some interface sites belong to different domains') # check that there are not hoppings > nearest neighbor cells for hopping in lead_builder.hoppings(): if not -1 <= sym.which(hopping[1])[0] <= 1: msg = ('The following hopping connects non-neighboring lead ' 'unit cells. Only nearest-cell hoppings are allowed ' '(consider increasing the lead period).\n{0}') raise ValueError(msg.format(hopping)) # phase *from* the system *to* the lead (new cell) # called with a hopping and whether this is *from* the system *to* # the lead (new cell) or vice versa, returns a hopping value function # map sites to domain of the new cell def move(x): return sym.act(interface_dom + 1, sym.act(-sym.which(x), x)) # copy over sites for site in lead_builder.H: syst[move(site)] = lead_builder[site] # copy over hoppings for (to_site, from_site), value in lead_builder.hopping_value_pairs(): if sym.which(to_site) == sym.which(from_site): # intra-cell hopping syst[move(to_site), move(from_site)] = value else: # inter-cell hopping system_to_lead = sym.which(to_site)[0] > sym.which(from_site)[0] if system_to_lead: from_site = sym.act(interface_dom - sym.which(from_site), from_site) to_site = move(to_site) else: to_site = sym.act(interface_dom - sym.which(to_site), to_site) from_site = move(from_site) syst[to_site, from_site] = _make_time_dependent_hopping(phase, value, system_to_lead) syst.leads[lead].interface = tuple(map(move, interface)) return tuple(map(move, lead_builder.H))
# ---------- Boundary Conditions class EvaluatedBoundary(collections.namedtuple('_System', ['hamiltonian', 'to_slices', 'from_slices'])): """Boundary conditions evaluated for a lead. Parameters ---------- hamiltonian : `~scipy.sparse.coo_matrix` The Hamiltonian matrix of the boundary conditions evaluated over the lead. to_slices, from_slices : sequence of `tinyarray.array` Each array contains a pair of integers: a slice into ``hamiltonian`` which we wish to connect *to* (or *from*) the Hamiltonian of the central region. Notes ----- ``to_slices`` and ``from_slices`` are used when constructing the Hamiltonian for the central system + boundary conditions. Usually The first slices will be over the first cell of the lead. Subsequent entries in ``from_slices`` can be used, for example, when constructing two "copies" of a boundary where the second copy should be affected by what happens in the central region, but should not itself have any back-action on the central region (see section C of [1] for details). [1]: """ class Boundary(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ABC boundary conditions for the time-dependent Schrödinger equation.""" @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, lead, params=None): """Generate boundary conditions for a single lead. These boundary condition matrices must be formatted such that they can be coupled to the central system Hamiltonian via ``lead.inter_cell_hopping`` in the first ``lead.n_cells`` orbitals of the matrix corresponding to ``lead``. Parameters ---------- lead : `~kwant.system.InfiniteSystem` The lead for which to generate boundary conditions. params : dict, optional Extra parameters for Hamiltonian value functions. Returns ------- `_EvaluatedBoundary` """ pass @property def num_absorb_cells(self): return self._num_absorb_cells @num_absorb_cells.setter def num_absorb_cells(self, num_cells): if num_cells < 0: raise ValueError('Number of absorbing cells must be positive.') if not _common.is_type(num_cells, 'integer'): raise ValueError('Number of absorbing cells must be an integer.') self._num_absorb_cells = int(num_cells) @property def num_buffer_cells(self): return self._num_buffer_cells @num_buffer_cells.setter def num_buffer_cells(self, num_cells): if num_cells < 0: raise ValueError('Number of buffer cells must be positive.') if not _common.is_type(num_cells, 'integer'): raise ValueError('Number of buffer cells must be an integer.') self._num_buffer_cells = int(num_cells) @property def num_total_cells(self): return self.num_buffer_cells + self.num_absorb_cells
[docs] class SimpleBoundary(Boundary): """Boundary conditions consisting of N lead unit cells. Parameters ---------- num_buffer_cells : int The number of lead unit cells to add. tmax : float, optional Optional maximal time until when the boundary is valid. """ def __init__(self, num_buffer_cells, tmax=None): if num_buffer_cells == 0: raise ValueError('Number of unit cells must be greater zero.') self.num_buffer_cells = num_buffer_cells self.num_absorb_cells = 0 self.tmax = tmax def __call__(self, lead, params=None): H_cell = lead.cell_hamiltonian(params=params, sparse=True) V_cell = lead.inter_cell_hopping(params=params, sparse=True) V_cell = _make_square_matrix(V_cell) cell_norbs = H_cell.shape[0] H = _make_block_tridiagonal(H_cell, V_cell, V_cell.conjugate().transpose(), self.num_buffer_cells) return EvaluatedBoundary(hamiltonian=H, to_slices=[ta.array([0, cell_norbs])],
from_slices=[ta.array([0, cell_norbs])]) class AbsorbingBoundary(Boundary): """Abstract base class for absorbing boundary conditions.""" def __init__(self, num_absorb_cells, num_buffer_cells=0): self._simple_boundary = SimpleBoundary(num_absorb_cells + num_buffer_cells) self.num_absorb_cells = num_absorb_cells self.num_buffer_cells = num_buffer_cells def __call__(self, lead, params=None): # get the regular boundary conditions by calling superclass simple_boundary = self._simple_boundary(lead, params) # make diagonal matrix with entries increasing as we go to further into # the lead, but with entries constant over a given cell. bc_diags = [self._absorb(cell) for cell in range(self.num_absorb_cells)] bc_diags = [0] * self.num_buffer_cells + bc_diags # add buffer cells cell_norbs = _get_slice(lead, lead.cell_size).start S = sp.kron(sp.diags(bc_diags, offsets=0), sp.eye(cell_norbs)) H = simple_boundary.hamiltonian - 1j * S return EvaluatedBoundary(hamiltonian=H, to_slices=simple_boundary.to_slices, from_slices=simple_boundary.from_slices) @abc.abstractmethod def _absorb(self, cell): """Return the absorbing potential in the given cell.""" pass
[docs] class MonomialAbsorbingBoundary(AbsorbingBoundary): """Absorbing boundary conditions consisting of N lead unit cells. The absorbing region has an imaginary potential applied to it. The magnitude of the imaginary potential grows according to ``n**degree`` where ``n`` is the index (starting from 0) of the lead cell counting from the central region. Parameters ---------- num_absorb_cells : int The number of lead unit cells over which the absorbing potential increases. strength : float The strength of the boundary conditions. Formally this is the area underneath the monomial curve. degree : int The degree of the absorbing monomial. num_buffer_cells : int, optional If provided, adds this many lead cells to the start of the boundary conditions with no absorbing potential applied. tmax : float, optional Optional maximal time until when the boundary is valid. """ def __init__(self, num_absorb_cells, strength, degree, num_buffer_cells=0, tmax=None): if degree < 0: raise ValueError('Absorbing boundary conditions cannot be given ' 'by a monomial of negative degree.') super().__init__(num_absorb_cells, num_buffer_cells) self.strength = strength = degree self.tmax = tmax def _absorb(self, cell): n =
return (n + 1) * self.strength * (cell**n / self.num_absorb_cells**(n + 1))
[docs] class GenericAbsorbingBoundary(AbsorbingBoundary): """Make an absorbing boundary from a user provided-absorbing potential. Parameters ---------- imaginary_potential : callable User-provided absorbing potential. num_absorb_cells : int The number of lead unit cells over which the absorbing potential increases. num_buffer_cells : int, optional If provided, adds this many lead cells to the start of the boundary conditions with no absorbing potential applied. tmax : float, optional Optional maximal time until when the boundary is valid. """ def __init__(self, num_absorb_cells, imaginary_potential, num_buffer_cells=0, tmax=None): if not callable(imaginary_potential): raise ValueError('Absorbing potential is not callable') super().__init__(num_absorb_cells, num_buffer_cells) self._imaginary_potential = imaginary_potential self.tmax = tmax def _absorb(self, cell):
return self._imaginary_potential(cell / self.num_absorb_cells) / self.num_absorb_cells # ---------- Internal functions # TODO: move these to Cython def _set_signature(func, params): """Set the signature of 'func'. Parameters ---------- func : callable params: sequence of str Parameter names to put in the signature. These will be added as 'POSITIONAL_ONLY' type parameters. """ params = [inspect.Parameter(name, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY) for name in params] func.__signature__ = inspect.Signature(params) class _PhaseFactor: def __init__(self, phase): self.phase = phase def __call__(self, args): try: val = np.asarray(self.phase(*args)) # if a scalar, `diag` will not work if len(val.shape) == 0: return cmath.exp(1j * val) return np.diag(np.exp(1j * val)) except Exception as exc: msg = 'Error while evaluating user-supplied '\ 'phase function "{}": '.format(self.phase.__name__) if exc.args: msg += str(exc.args[0]) raise RuntimeError(msg) from exc class _CallableHoppingSystemToLead: def __init__(self, phase_factor, old_hopping, len_hopp, mapping): self.phase_factor = phase_factor self.old_hopping = old_hopping self.len_hopp = len_hopp self.mapping = mapping def __call__(self, i, j, *args): old_hopping_args = args[:self.len_hopp] phase_args = tuple(map(lambda i: args[i], self.mapping)) return, self.old_hopping(i, j, *old_hopping_args)) class _CallableHoppingLeadToSystem: def __init__(self, phase_factor, old_hopping, len_hopp, mapping): self.phase_factor = phase_factor self.old_hopping = old_hopping self.len_hopp = len_hopp self.mapping = mapping def __call__(self, i, j, *args): old_hopping_args = args[:self.len_hopp] phase_args = tuple(map(lambda i: args[i], self.mapping)) return, j, *old_hopping_args), self.phase_factor(phase_args).conjugate()) class _StaticHoppingSystemToLead: def __init__(self, phase_factor, old_hopping): self.phase_factor = phase_factor self.old_hopping = old_hopping def __call__(self, i, j, *args): return, self.old_hopping) class _StaticHoppingLeadToSystem: def __init__(self, phase_factor, old_hopping): self.phase_factor = phase_factor self.old_hopping = old_hopping def __call__(self, i, j, *args): return, self.phase_factor(args).conjugate()) def _make_time_dependent_hopping(phase, old_hopping, system_to_lead): """Return a time-dependent hopping function. """ phase_factor = _PhaseFactor(phase) phase_signature = kwant._common.get_parameters(phase) if callable(old_hopping): old_hopping_signature = kwant._common.get_parameters(old_hopping) # strip off the two site parameters that are always present hopping_signature = old_hopping_signature[:2] hopping_parameter_signature = old_hopping_signature[2:] len_hopp = len(hopping_parameter_signature) # we arrange the arguments of new_hoppings such, that the first len_hopp # arguments are directly the parameters of the old hopping function # and for the remaining elements, we have a mapping array, # that mapps the input to the phase_factor function. # note that the args of the new_hopping function are unique, # whereas arguments might be present in both, the phase_factor # function as well as the old_hoppings. new_signature = hopping_parameter_signature + phase_signature unique, indices, inverse = np.unique(new_signature, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) inv_indices2 = np.argsort(indices) indices2 = np.argsort(inv_indices2) # mapping of new_hopping args to the phase function mapping = indices2[inverse[-len(phase_signature):]] new_hopping_signature = hopping_signature + tuple(unique[inv_indices2]) if system_to_lead: new_hopping = _CallableHoppingSystemToLead(phase_factor, old_hopping, len_hopp, mapping) else: new_hopping = _CallableHoppingLeadToSystem(phase_factor, old_hopping, len_hopp, mapping) else: new_hopping_signature = ('_site0_', '_site1_') + phase_signature if system_to_lead: new_hopping = _StaticHoppingSystemToLead(phase_factor, old_hopping) else: new_hopping = _StaticHoppingLeadToSystem(phase_factor, old_hopping) _set_signature(new_hopping, new_hopping_signature) return new_hopping def _make_block_tridiagonal(D, L, U, n): """Make a sparse block-tridiagonal matrix. Use ``D`` for the diagonal, ``L`` for the lower diagonal, and ``U`` for the upper diagonal. All three matrices must be square and have the same shape. Parameters ---------- D, L, U : `~scipy.sparse.spmatrix` The diagonals, lower diagonals, and upper diagonals. n : int The number of copies of ``diag`` on the diagonal. Returns ------- `~scipy.sparse.lil_matrix` """ if D.shape != L.shape or D.shape != U.shape: raise ValueError('Diagonals, lower diagonals and upper diagonals must ' ' have the same shape.') if D.shape[0] != D.shape[1]: raise ValueError('Matrices must be square.') sz = D.shape[0] M = sp.block_diag([D] * n, format='lil') # TODO: convert this to use COO format, for efficiency rows = range(0, M.shape[0], sz) cols = range(sz, M.shape[0], sz) for i, j in zip(rows, cols): M[i:(i + sz), j:(j + sz)] = U M[j:(j + sz), i:(i + sz)] = L return M def _make_square_matrix(M): """Make a square matrix from a rectangular one. The rectangular matrix should have shape (n, m) with n > m (i.e. upright rectangular). The returned matrix will be padded with zeros on the right and have shape (n, n). """ if M.shape[0] > M.shape[1]: # must make matrices square n = M.shape[0] s = M.shape[0] - M.shape[1] M = sp.hstack((M, sp.coo_matrix((n, s), dtype=M.dtype))) elif M.shape[0] < M.shape[1]: raise ValueError('Matrix must have shape (n, m) with n > m') return M _inf = float('inf') def _get_slice(syst, site): """Return a slice from the first orbital of this site to the next.""" assert 0 <= site < syst.graph.num_nodes if syst.site_ranges is None: raise RuntimeError('Number of orbitals not defined.\n' 'Declare the number of orbitals using the ' '`norbs` keyword argument when constructing ' 'the site families (lattices).') # Calculate the index of the run that contains the site. # column = np.asarray(syst.site_ranges)[:, 0] # run_idx = np.searchsorted(column, site, 'right') - 1 # The `inf` is needed to avoid the fenceposting problem run_idx = bisect.bisect(syst.site_ranges, (site, _inf)) - 1 # Calculate the slice. first_site, norbs, orb_offset = syst.site_ranges[run_idx] orb = orb_offset + (site - first_site) * norbs return slice(orb, orb + norbs) # ---------- def _is_positive(a): """Check if a, respectively all elements of a, are positive.""" try: return a.all() > 0 except AttributeError: return a > 0 def _is_iterable(obj): try: _ = (e for e in obj) return True except TypeError: return False def _make_iterable(variable): """If a variable is present, make it iterable""" if not _is_iterable(variable): return [variable] return variable def _is_inside(x, xmin=None, xmax=None): """Check if xmin <= x <= xmax (elementwise if x is an array).""" x = np.array(x) if xmin is not None and xmax is not None: assert xmin <= xmax return (xmin <= x) & (x <= xmax) if xmin is not None and xmax is None: return xmin <= x if xmin is None and xmax is not None: return x <= xmax return np.ones(x.shape, dtype=bool) def _get_interval(intervals, x): """From a list of intervals, get the ones where the point x is inside.""" return [a for a in intervals if _is_inside(x, *a)] def _get_unique_interval(intervals, x): """From a list of intervals, get the unique one where point x is inside.""" interval = _get_interval(intervals, x) if len(interval) == 1: return interval[0] elif len(interval) > 1: raise ValueError('Interval is not unique') return None def _make_grid(qmin, qmax, nq, gridtype): """Make a lin/log grid with nq points between (qmin, qmax).""" if qmax < qmin: raise ValueError('qmax={} must be larger qmin={}.'.format(qmax, qmin)) if nq <= 0: raise ValueError('number nq={} must be larger zero.'.format(nq)) if gridtype == 'log': if qmax <= 0: raise ValueError('qmax={} must be larger zero.'.format(qmax)) if qmin <= 0: raise ValueError('qmin={} must be larger zero.'.format(qmin)) return np.logspace(np.log10(qmin), np.log10(qmax), nq) if gridtype == 'lin': return np.linspace(qmin, qmax, nq) raise NotImplementedError('gridtype= {} not implemented'.format(gridtype)) class _Chain_1d(kwant.system.FiniteSystem): """Make a finite quasi 1D kwant system from a Hamiltonian. Parameters ---------- n : int number of cells of the finite lead H : array like, shape (n*norbs, n*norbs) Hamiltonian matrix. norbs : int, optional Number of orbitals. Default=1 leads : list of `kwant.system.InfiniteSystem`, optional List of Kwant leads to attach on the left and right of the system. Number of list elements can not be larger 2. If list is empty, no leads are attached. Default=None Returns ------- syst : `kwant.system.FiniteSystem` Kwant system for the quasi 1D chain """ def __init__(self, n, H, norbs=1, leads=None): assert _common.is_type(n, 'integer') assert _common.is_type(norbs, 'integer') if n < 0: raise ValueError('number of cells n={} must be positive.'.format(n)) if norbs < 0: raise ValueError('number of orbitals norbs={} must be positive.' .format(norbs)) if H.shape != (n * norbs, n * norbs): raise ValueError('shape of the hamiltonian matrix={} does not ' 'match the system size.'.format(H.shape)) self.norbs = norbs self.H = H edges = [(i, i + 1) for i in range(n - 1)] edges += [elem[::-1] for elem in edges] g = kwant.graph.Graph() g.add_edges(edges) self.graph = g.compressed() self.site_ranges = [(0, norbs, 0), (n, 0, n * norbs)] if leads is not None: if len(leads) == 1: self.lead_interfaces = [np.array([0])] elif len(leads) == 2: self.lead_interfaces = [np.array([0]), np.array([n - 1])] elif len(leads) > 2: raise ValueError('number of leads={} is bigger than 2.' .format(len(leads))) self.leads = leads def hamiltonian(self, i, j, *args, **kwargs): i0 = i * self.norbs j0 = j * self.norbs return np.array([[self.H[i0 + ii, j0 + jj] for jj in range(self.norbs)] for ii in range(self.norbs)], dtype=self.H.dtype) def _finite_lead_hamiltonian(lead, num_absorb_cells, imaginary_potential=None, params=None): """Extract the Hamiltonian matrix :math:`H` for a lead set to a finite lengths in presence of an imaginary potential. Parameters ---------- lead : `kwant.system.InfiniteSystem` Kwant lead num_absorb_cells : int number of cells of the finite lead imaginary_potential : callable, optional imaginary potential function params : dict, optional Extra parameters for Hamiltonian value functions. Returns ------- H : scipy.sparse.coo or scipy.sparse.lil matrix Hamiltonian matrix, shape (num_absorb_cells*norbs, num_absorb_cells*norbs) where norbs is the number of orbitals of the lead Notes ----- If `imaginary_potential` is present, the Hamiltonian matrix will not be hermitian. """ assert _common.is_type(num_absorb_cells, 'integer') if num_absorb_cells < 0: raise ValueError('number of cells num_absorb_cells={} must be positive.' .format(num_absorb_cells)) cell_norbs = _get_slice(lead, lead.cell_size).start simple_boundary = SimpleBoundary(num_absorb_cells) H0 = simple_boundary(lead, params).hamiltonian.transpose() if imaginary_potential is None: return H0, cell_norbs if not callable(imaginary_potential): raise ValueError('Absorbing potential is not callable') bc_diags = [imaginary_potential(cell / num_absorb_cells) / num_absorb_cells for cell in range(num_absorb_cells)] S = sp.kron(sp.diags(bc_diags, offsets=0), sp.eye(cell_norbs)) return H0 - 1j * S, cell_norbs def _reflect(syst, energy, params=None): """Calculate the reflection amplitude :math:`r` for an absorbing lead.""" assert _common.is_type(energy, 'real_number') smatrix = kwant.smatrix(syst, energy, check_hermiticity=False, params=params).submatrix(0, 0) return np.array([np.linalg.norm(smatrix[mode, :]) for mode in range(smatrix.shape[0])]) def _modes(lead, energy, params=None): """Calculate the momentum and velocities of foreward propagating modes.""" assert _common.is_type(energy, 'real_number') modes = lead.modes(energy, params=params)[0] nmodes = modes.momenta.size // 2 return modes.momenta[nmodes:], modes.velocities[nmodes:]
[docs] class AbsorbingReflectionSolver: """Calculate the reflection amplitude :math:`r` for a lead with imaginary absorbing potential. Examples -------- >>> num_absorb_cells = 100 >>> def my_imaginary_potential(x): return 50 * x**4 >>> reflect = AnalyzeReflection(lead, num_absorb_cells, my_imaginary_potential) >>> energies = numpy.linspace(0, 0.5, 101) >>> r = reflect(energies) Notes ------- An instance of this class can be called like a method to calculate the reflection amplitude :math:`r` of all open modes at a given energy. The reflection amplitude is calculated by a static kwant calculation. """ def __init__(self, lead, num_absorb_cells, imaginary_potential, params=None): """ Parameters ---------- lead : `kwant.system.InfiniteSystem` Kwant lead, for which the reflection should be calculated. num_absorb_cells : int number of absorbing cells for the lead imaginary_potential : callable absorbing potential function params : dict, optional Extra parameters for Hamiltonian value functions of ``lead``. """ if not isinstance(lead, kwant.system.InfiniteSystem): raise TypeError('lead must be an instance of `InfiniteSystem`') self.lead = lead self.params = params H, cell_norbs = _finite_lead_hamiltonian(lead, num_absorb_cells, imaginary_potential, params=params) self.syst = _Chain_1d(num_absorb_cells, H, norbs=cell_norbs, leads=[lead]) def __call__(self, energies): """ Calculates the reflection amplitude :math:`r` for all open modes at the given energies. Parameters ---------- energies : float or list of floats shape (ne, ) energies for which the reflection should be calculated Returns ------- reflect : list, shape(ne, ) or numpy array Reflection amplitude, ordering similar to `energies`. For each `energy` element in `energies`, the corresponding `reflect` list element is a numpy array of shape (nmodes, ), where `reflect` the number of open modes at this energy. If `energies` was a float, the reflection of the the open modes are returned directly as a numpy array of shape (nmodes, ). momenta : list, shape(ne, ) or numpy array Momenta of the mode, ordering similar to `energies`. For each `energy` element in `energies`, the corresponding `momenta` list element is a numpy array of shape (nmodes, ), where nmodes is the number of open modes at this energy. If `energies` was a float, the momenta of the the open modes are returned directly as a numpy array of shape (nmodes, ). velocities : list, shape(ne, ) or numpy array Velocities of the mode, ordering similar to `energies`. For each `energy` element in `energies`, the corresponding `velocities` list element is a numpy array of shape (nmodes, ), where nmodes is the number of open modes at this energy. If `energies` was a float, the velocities of the the open modes are returned directly as a numpy array of shape (nmodes, ). Notes ------- If no modes are open at a given energy, the corresponding lists are empty. If the energy matches exactly the band openings, the following error might occur: 'ValueError: Input a needs to be a square matrix.' """ if _is_iterable(energies): reflect = [_reflect(self.syst, energy, params=self.params) for energy in energies] momenta, velocities = zip(*[_modes(self.lead, energy, params=self.params) for energy in energies]) else: reflect = _reflect(self.syst, energies, params=self.params) momenta, velocities = _modes(self.lead, energies, params=self.params)
return reflect, momenta, velocities
[docs] class AnalyzeReflection: """ Analyze the the reflection for a lead.""" def __init__(self, lead, num_absorb_cells, imaginary_potential, spectrum=None, params=None): """ Parameters ---------- lead : `kwant.system.InfiniteSystem` Kwant lead, for which the reflection should be calculated. num_absorb_cells : int number of cells for a finite lead taken into account imaginary_potential : callable absorbing potential function spectrum : `BandSketching`, optional `kwant.physics.BandSketching` instance of the lead. This is mainly for performance. If not present, it will be calculated on the fly from `lead`. params : dict, optional Extra parameters for Hamiltonian value functions of ``lead``. """ self.reflection_solver = AbsorbingReflectionSolver(lead, num_absorb_cells, imaginary_potential, params=params) if spectrum is None: self.spectrum = kwantspectrum.spectrum(lead, params=params) def __call__(self, k, band): """Calculates the reflection amplitude :math:`r` for a mode with momentum :math:`k` for a given band. Parameters ---------- k : int or float, scalar or array, shape (n, ) Momentum values where the reflection should be calculated. band : int band index Returns ------- reflect : numpy array, shape(n, ) Reflection amplitude energies : numpy array, shape(n, ) Mode energy vel : numpy array, shape(n, ) Mode velocity """ energies = self.spectrum(k, band) rm, km, vm = self.reflection_solver(energies) # TODO: what happens if, due to numeric. inacc, rm is empty ? # if several modes are open at a given energy, get the mode # that corresponds to the band at given momentum k try: # expect k to be iterable pos = [np.argmin(np.abs(ki - k0)) for ki, k0 in zip(km, k)] ref = np.array([ri[i] for ri, i in zip(rm, pos)]) vel = np.array([vi[i] for vi, i in zip(vm, pos)]) except TypeError: # k is a scalar pos = np.argmin(np.abs(km - k)) ref = rm[pos] vel = vm[pos]
[docs] return ref, energies, vel def around_extremum(self, kmin, kmax, band, nq=20, dq=0.001, gridtype='log'): """Calculate the reflection amplitude :math:`r` within the momentum interval ``[kmin, kmax]`` around a local extremum of the dispersion. Parameters ---------- kmin, kmax : float momentum interval ``[kmin, kmax]`` including the a single local dispersion minimum or maximum located at ``k0``. band : int band index nq : int, optional number of sample gridpoints between ``[kmin, k0 - dq]`` and between ``[k0 + dq, kmax]``. The total number of sample points is ``2 * nq``. dq : float, optional Offset around extrema located at momentum ``k0``. gridtype : string, optional `lin` : use a linear grid between ``[kmin, k0]`` and ``[k0, kmax]`` `log` : use a log grid between ``[kmin, k0]`` and ``[k0, kmax]``. The log-grid is choosen dense around ``k0``. Returns ------- reflect : numpy array, shape(``2 * nq``, ) Reflection amplitude :math:`r` energies : numpy array, shape(``2 * nq``, ) Mode energies vel : numpy array, shape(``2 * nq``, ) mode velocities k : numpy array, shape(``2 * nq``, ) mode momenta e0 : float dispersion energy at the local minimum or maximum k0 : float momentum of the local minimum or maximum Notes ------- The local extremum of the dispersion ``k0`` must be inside the interval ``[kmin, kmax]``, such that ``kmin <= k0 <= kmax``. Otherwise, a ``ValueError`` is thrown. """ # get minimum/maximum position at k0 k0, e0 = _get_extremum(kmin, kmax, band, self.spectrum) # calc reflection on left/right intervals: [kmin, k0-dq], [k0+dq, kmax] kl = k0 - _make_grid(dq, k0 - kmin, nq, gridtype)[::-1] kr = k0 + _make_grid(dq, kmax - k0, nq, gridtype) k = np.concatenate((kl, kr), axis=0)
refl, ener, vel = self.__call__(k, band) return refl, ener, vel, k, e0, k0
[docs] class AnalyzeReflectionMonomial: """ Analyze the the reflection for a lead for the special case of a monomial absorbing potential. Notes ------- The reflection amplitude is calculated with analytic expressions derived in [1]_. Good agreement with the exact numerical result (via `AnalyzeReflection`) can only be expected if :math:`k * l >> 1`. The length :math:`l` corresponds to `num_absorb_cells` and the momentum :math:`k` is the distance from a local extremum of the spectrum. .. [1] `J. Weston and X. Waintal, Phys. Rev. B 93, 134506 (2016) <>`_ """ def __init__(self, lead, num_absorb_cells, strength, degree, params=None): """ Parameters ---------- lead : `kwant.system.InfiniteSystem` or `kwantspectrum.BandSketching` Kwant lead or `BandSketching` instance of the lead, for which the reflection should be calculated. num_absorb_cells : int number of cells for a finite lead taken into account degree : int order of the moniminal absorbing boundary potential. strength : float The strength of the boundary conditions. Formally this is the area underneath the monomial curve. params : dict, optional Extra parameters for Hamiltonian value functions of ``lead``. ``params`` is only considered if ``lead`` is an instance of `kwant.system.InfiniteSystem`. """ if isinstance(lead, kwant.system.InfiniteSystem): self.spectrum = kwantspectrum.spectrum(lead, params=params) else: self.spectrum = lead if num_absorb_cells <= 0: raise ValueError('Number of unit cells must be positive.') self._reflect = ft.partial(_monomial_reflect, length_absorb=num_absorb_cells,
[docs] strength=strength, degree=degree) def around_extremum(self, kmin, kmax, band, nq=20, dq=0.001, gridtype='log'): """Calculate the reflection amplitude :math:`r` within the momentum interval ``[kmin, kmax]`` around a local extremum of the dispersion. Parameters ---------- kmin, kmax : float momentum interval ``[kmin, kmax]`` including the a single local dispersion minimum or maximum located at ``k0``. band : int band index nq : int, optional number of sample gridpoints between ``[kmin, k0 - dq]`` and between ``[k0 + dq, kmax]``. The total number of sample points is ``2 * nq``. dq : float, optional Offset around extrema located at momentum ``k0``. gridtype : string, optional `lin` : use a linear grid between ``[kmin, k0]`` and ``[k0, kmax]`` `log` : use a log grid between ``[kmin, k0]`` and ``[k0, kmax]``. The log-grid is choosen dense around ``k0``. Returns ------- reflect : numpy array, shape(``2 * nq``, ) Reflection amplitude :math:`r` energies : numpy array, shape(``2 * nq``, ) Mode energies vel : numpy array, shape(``2 * nq``, ) mode velocities k : numpy array, shape(``2 * nq``, ) mode momenta e0 : float dispersion energy at the local minimum or maximum k0 : float momentum of the local minimum or maximum Notes ------- The local extremum of the dispersion ``k0`` must be inside the interval ``[kmin, kmax]``, such that ``kmin <= k0 <= kmax``. Otherwise, a ``ValueError`` is thrown. """ # get minimum/maximum position at k0 k0, e0 = _get_extremum(kmin, kmax, band, self.spectrum) # calc reflection on left/right intervals: [kmin, k0-dq], [k0+dq, kmax] kl = k0 - _make_grid(dq, k0 - kmin, nq, gridtype)[::-1] kr = k0 + _make_grid(dq, kmax - k0, nq, gridtype) k = np.concatenate((kl, kr), axis=0) ener = self.spectrum(k, band) vel = self.spectrum(k, band, derivative_order=1)
refl = self._reflect(np.abs(ener - e0), np.abs(k - k0)) return refl, ener, vel, k, e0, k0 # ------- # analytical routines for reflection # ------- def _strength_opti(e, k, length_absorb, degree): r""" Monominal absorbing boundary strength :math:`A` for which the absolute reflection amplitude :math:`r_\Sigma` is minimal. Returns ------- strength : float Optimal strength `A` of the monomial absorbing potential. Notes ------- The analytical expression can be obtained from d r_\Sigma / d A = 0 in Eq. (34) J. Weston and X. Waintal, Physical Review B 93, 134506 (2016). Note that the formula Eq. (34) is wrong, but we have to replace (n-1) -> (n-1)! """ assert _is_positive(e) assert _is_positive(k) assert _is_positive(length_absorb) assert _is_positive(degree) degplus = degree + 1 num = degree * degplus * math.factorial(degree - 1) denom = 2 * (2 * length_absorb * k) ** degplus return - e / k * np.log(num / denom) def _monomial_reflect(e, k, length_absorb, strength, degree): """Reflection amplitude 'r' for the monomial potential. Returns ------- refl : float reflection amplitude `r`, the value ranges between 0 and 1 Notes ------- The analytical expression corresponds to Eq. (34) J. Weston and X. Waintal, Physical Review B 93, 134506 (2016). Note that the formula Eq. (34) is wrong, but we have to replace (n-1) -> (n-1)! We also limit 'r' to values not larger then one. """ assert _is_positive(e) assert _is_positive(k) assert _is_positive(length_absorb) assert _is_positive(strength) assert _is_positive(degree) nm1fac = math.factorial((degree - 1)) num = degree * (degree + 1) * nm1fac denom = 4 * length_absorb * (2 * length_absorb * k) ** degree refl = np.abs(np.exp(-strength * k / e) + strength * num / (e * denom)) return np.where(refl < 1, refl, 1) def _low_energy_reflect(e, k, length_absorb, degree, strength): """Reflection amplitude 'r' for the low energy mode in monomial potential. Returns ------- refl : float reflection amplitude `r`, the value ranges between 0 and 1 """ assert _is_positive(e) assert _is_positive(k) assert _is_positive(length_absorb) assert _is_positive(degree) assert _is_positive(strength) nm1fac = math.factorial(degree - 1) degplus = degree + 1 nt = degree * degplus * nm1fac / 2 at = strength * k / e denom = 2 * k * length_absorb refl = np.abs(np.exp(-at) + nt * at * (1 / denom)**degplus) return np.where(refl < 1, refl, 1) def _monomial_absorbing_potential(strength, degree): """Monomial potential function used for absorbing boundaries. Form similar to equation (33) in: J. Weston and X. Waintal, Physical Review B 93, 134506 (2016). """ assert _is_positive(degree) def pot(x, n, a): return (n + 1) * a * x**n return ft.partial(pot, a=strength, n=degree) def _max_buffer_velocity(num_buffer_cells, tmax): """returns the maximal velocity such that a mode stays in buffer""" if num_buffer_cells < 0: raise ValueError('Cannot have a negative number of buffer cells.') if tmax <= 0: raise ValueError('Maximum time must be positive.') return 2 * num_buffer_cells / tmax # factor 2 due to back and forth def _optimal_split(degree): r"""Optimal splitting `x` in buffer/absorbing zone for the low energy modes Formula obtained from d r_\Sigma / d x = 0 in low energy approximation Definition ---------- length buffer zone (`num_buffer_cells`) = x * length length absorbing zone (`num_absorb_cells`) = (1-x) * length length is total length of additional lead cells (`num_absorb_cells + num_buffer_cells`) Returns ------- x : float optimal splitting parameter """ if degree < 0: raise ValueError('Degree={} must be positive'.format(degree)) return (2 + degree) / (3 + 2 * degree) # ------- # analytical routines for reflection - end # ------- # ------- # routines to do some band structure gymnastics # TODO: # rewrite spectrum more flexible to include most of the # logic in spectrum # if the spectrum is truncted by emin/emax, maximal curvature and velocity # points might not exist. handle this case correctly. # ------- def _get_extremum(kmin, kmax, band, spectrum): """Get the unique minima/maxima of the band at k0 that satisfies kmin <= k0 <= kmax. Returns ------- k0 : float, momentum at the extremum e0 : float, energy at the extremum """ zeros = spectrum.intersect(f=0, band=band, derivative_order=1, kmin=kmin, kmax=kmax) if len(zeros) != 1: # test for existance and uniqueness raise ValueError('(kmin, kmax) interval must be choosen such that ' 'exactly one extremum of the dispersion at k0 ' 'lies within. Here k0={}.'.format(zeros)) return zeros[0], spectrum(zeros[0], band) def _max_curvature_point(spectrum, emin=None, emax=None): """Find the maximal velocity, respectively curvature of the spectrum. Parameters ---------- emin, emax: float, optional if not `None`, we restrict to the zone bounded by [emin, emax]. Returns ------- g0 : float maximal absolute value of the curvature (`g0` >= 0) in a local minimum or maximum located at energy `e0`, momentum `k0` and band with index `band` """ def energy_extrema(band): """Return an array with momenta, where velocity has local extrema""" # unconstrained case: velocity derivative is zero zeros = spectrum.intersect(f=0, band=band, derivative_order=1) # filter points with energies in [emin, emax] if _common.is_not_empty(zeros): energies = spectrum(zeros, band) inside = _is_inside(energies, emin, emax) zeros = zeros[inside] return zeros # find the largest curvature on all extremum points d2E_b = [0] * spectrum.nbands k_b = [0] * spectrum.nbands for band in range(spectrum.nbands): # get all momenta where energy is maximal k_extrema = energy_extrema(band) # now find the maximal curvature, if several minima are present if _common.is_not_empty(k_extrema): d2E = spectrum(k_extrema, band, derivative_order=2) max_id = np.argmax(np.abs(d2E)) d2E_b[band] = d2E[max_id] k_b[band] = k_extrema[max_id] # find the largest curvature from all bands max_band = np.argmax(np.abs(d2E_b)) gmax = d2E_b[max_band] if gmax == 0: logger.warning('could not find maximal curvature value for ' 'spectrum within emin={}, emax={}'. format(emin, emax)) raise RuntimeError('unable to find max curvature point of the spectrum') kmax = k_b[max_band] energy_max = spectrum(kmax, max_band) return kmax, energy_max, max_band, gmax def _max_curvature(spectrum, emin=None, emax=None): """Find the (local) dispersion minima/maxima with the largest curvature. """ k0, e0, band, g0 = _max_curvature_point(spectrum, emin=emin, emax=emax) kmin = 2 * spectrum.kmin kmax = 2 * spectrum.kmax # get the momentum interval with positive velocity sourrounding k0 # and set k1 to the momentum of either the left or right interval border, # such that the distance to k0 is minimal intervals_e = spectrum.intervals(band, lower=emin, upper=emax, kmin=kmin, kmax=kmax) epsilon = 1E-6 # second derivative might not become exactly zero if np.sign(g0) > 0: intervals_g = spectrum.intervals(band, lower=epsilon, derivative_order=2, kmin=kmin, kmax=kmax) else: intervals_g = spectrum.intervals(band, upper=-epsilon, derivative_order=2, kmin=kmin, kmax=kmax) intervals = kwantspectrum.intersect_intervals(intervals_e, intervals_g) interval = _get_unique_interval(intervals, k0) q = np.min(np.abs(np.array(interval) - k0)) logger.debug('local min/max with hightest curvature g: g={}, k={}, energy={},' 'band={}, neighbor extrema with smallest momentum distance at ' 'relative momentum q={}'.format(g0, k0, e0, band, q)) return k0, e0, band, q, g0 def _max_velocity_point(spectrum, emin=None, emax=None): """Find the maximal velocity of the spectrum. Parameters ---------- emin, emax: float, optional if not `None`, we restrict to the zone bounded by [emin, emax]. Returns ------- kmax : float mometum value at maximum energy_max : float energy value at maximum max_band : int band with maximum velocity vmax : float maximum velocity """ def velocity_maxima(band): """Return an array with momenta, where velocity has local extrema""" # unconstrained case: velocity derivative is zero zeros = spectrum.intersect(f=0, band=band, derivative_order=2) # if noise prevents to find E''(k) ==0, we look for E'(k) > 0 intervals if not _common.is_not_empty(zeros): v_pos = spectrum.intervals(band, lower=0, derivative_order=1) zeros = np.array(v_pos).flatten() # filter points with energies in [emin, emax] if _common.is_not_empty(zeros): energies = spectrum(zeros, band) inside = _is_inside(energies, emin, emax) zeros = zeros[inside] # velocity maximization with energy constrained: # if velocity maxima are outside the energy range # the band cuts at emin/emax are local extrema if emin is not None: inters = spectrum.intersect(f=emin, band=band) zeros = np.append(zeros, inters) if emax is not None: inters = spectrum.intersect(f=emax, band=band) zeros = np.append(zeros, inters) return zeros # find the largest velocity per band dE_b = [-np.inf] * spectrum.nbands k_b = [-np.inf] * spectrum.nbands for band in range(spectrum.nbands): # get all momenta where velocity is maximal momenta_vmax = velocity_maxima(band) # now find the maximal velocity, if several minima are present if _common.is_not_empty(momenta_vmax): dE = spectrum(momenta_vmax, band, derivative_order=1) max_id = np.argmax(dE) dE_b[band] = dE[max_id] k_b[band] = momenta_vmax[max_id] # find the largest velocity from all bands max_band = np.argmax(dE_b) vmax = dE_b[max_band] if vmax == -np.inf: logger.warning('could not find maximum velocity value for ' 'spectrum within emin={}, emax={}'.format(emin, emax)) raise RuntimeError('unable to find max velocity point of the spectrum') kmax = k_b[max_band] energy_max = spectrum(kmax, max_band) return kmax, energy_max, max_band, vmax def _max_velocity(spectrum, emin=None, emax=None): """Find the highest velocity of the spectrum and the minimum distance to the sourrounding local extrema Returns ------- k0 : float momentum of the maximum positive velocity point e0 : float E(k0, band) (energy at the maximum positive velocity point) band : int band index of the band with vmax eq : float eq = | E(k0) - E(k1) | (relative energy distance) q : float q = |k0 - k1| (minimum relative distance to surounding minimum/maximum) vmax : float vmax = E'(k0, band) > 0 (maximal positive velocity of the spectrum) """ # get max velocity point k0, e0, band, vmax = _max_velocity_point(spectrum, emin=emin, emax=emax) kmin = 2 * spectrum.kmin kmax = 2 * spectrum.kmax # get the momentum interval with positive velocity sourrounding k0 # and set k1 to the momentum of either the left or right interval border, # such that the distance to k0 is minimal intervals_e = spectrum.intervals(band, lower=emin, upper=emax, kmin=kmin, kmax=kmax) intervals_v = spectrum.intervals(band, lower=0, derivative_order=1, kmin=kmin, kmax=kmax) intervals = kwantspectrum.intersect_intervals(intervals_e, intervals_v) k_left, k_right = _get_unique_interval(intervals, k0) # if k0 is a velocity maxima with E''(k0)=0, we search a k1 with # E'(k1) = 0, such that |k0 - k1| is minimal. by construction, k1 # corresponds either to k_left or k_right. # on the other hand if k0 is not a velocity maxima (E''(k0)/=0), # then, by construction, k0 will be either k_left or k_right. # we set k1 to the opposite momentum, since this is the nearest possible # energy extremum. if _common.is_zero(k0 - k_left): # k0 = k_left < k_right, E''(k0) /= 0 k1 = k_right elif _common.is_zero(k0 - k_right): # k_left < k_right = k0, E''(k0) /= 0 k1 = k_left else: # k0 with k_left < k0 < k_right k1 = k_left if abs(k0 - k_left) < abs(k0 - k_right) else k_right # relative absolute energy and momentum of the maximal velocity point # from local surounding extremum e1 = spectrum(k1, band) q = np.abs(k1 - k0) eq = np.abs(e1 - e0) logger.debug('highest velocity={} at k={}, energy={}, ' 'band={}, neighbor extrema at k={}, energy={}' . format(vmax, k0, e0, band, k1, e1)) return k0, e0, band, q, eq, vmax def _fast_mode(spectrum, emin, emax): """Fast (high) energy mode of a spectrum Returns ------- eq : float eq = | E(kmax) - E(k0) | (relative energy distance) vmax : float vmax = E'(kmax) > 0 (maximal positive velocity of the spectrum) q : float q = |kmax - k0| (minimum relative distance to surounding minimum/maximum) Notes ----- k0 is the momentum of either the left or right extremum around kmax such that q, the relative distance, is minimal """ *_, q, eq, vmax = _max_velocity(spectrum, emin, emax) return eq, vmax, q def _slow_mode(spectrum, emin, emax): r"""Slow (low) energy mode of a spectrum Returns ------- disp : callable disp = |E(k)|, with E(0) = 0 (energy dispersion parametrization) vel : callable vel = |E'(k)|, with E'(0) = 0 (velocity function parametrization) q : float maximum momentum (k) argument k \in [-q, q] of `disp` and `vel` Notes ----- The dispersion function disp parametrizes the spectrum around the local extremum with the hightest curvature. The maximum momentum q is chosen such that disp is a strong monotonous function for k \in [0, q] and k \in [0, -q]. """ k0, e0, band, q, *_ = _max_curvature(spectrum, emin, emax) v0 = spectrum(k0, band, derivative_order=1) def disp(k): # in quadratic approximation E(k) = g0 * k**2 return np.abs(spectrum(k0 + k, band) - e0) def vel(k): # in quadratic approximation v(k) = 2 * g0 * k return np.abs(spectrum(k0 + k, band, derivative_order=1) - v0) return disp, vel, q # ------- # end of band structure analysis # ---- def _maximal_buffer_momentum(tmax, len_buffer, vel_func, kmax): """Find the maximal momentum of a mode such that it stays into the buffer Parameters ---------- tmax : int or float Maximal time for a tkwant simulation to run. Must be positive > 0. len_buffer : float length of the buffer zone (`num_buffer_cells`) vel_func : callable velocity function `v(k)` with k in [0, kmax] kmax : float Maximal value of the momentum argument of the velocity function Returns ------- k : float maximal momentum that a mode with velocity function `v(k)` can have such that it stays inside the buffer. k has values between 0 and kmax. Notes ------- mathematical description of the routine: vmax = 2 * len_buffer / tmax > 0 (maximal velocity of a mode such that it stays into buffer) we require v(k) to be monotonically increasing (for uniquness) and that kmax > 0, such that v(0) < v(kmax) - if v(0) <= vmax <= v(kmax): find the unique solution k in [0, kmax] such that v(k) = vmax - if vmax > v(kmax) (buffer zone larger then fastest mode) we return kmax modes with momenta in [0, k] stay into the buffer zone modes with momenta in [k, kmax] will escape buffer zone (and have to be captured by the absorbing zone) """ # the checks should be save even if vel_func # has some numerical inaccuracy assert len_buffer > 0 assert tmax > 0 assert kmax > 0 assert vel_func(0) < vel_func(kmax) def func(k): return vel_func(k) - 2 * len_buffer / tmax assert func(0) < 0 if func(kmax) < 0: return kmax return brentq(func, 0, kmax) def _reflect_slow_mode(slow_mode, tmax, strength, degree, length): """Estimate the reflection of the slow mode in the lead (buffer+aborb) in monomial approx. Parameters ---------- slow_mode : tuple parametrization of the slowest, low energy mode tmax : int or float Maximal time for a tkwant simulation to run. Must be positive > 0. strength : float The strength of the boundary conditions. Formally this is the area underneath the monomial curve. degree : int order of the monominal absorbing boundary potential. Must be positive > 0. length : float total length of all additional lead cells (num_absorb_cells+num_buffer_cells) Returns ------- refl : float reflection amplitude `r`, the value ranges between 0 and 1 Notes ------- If the routine encounters numerical problems, it returns a reflection coefficient of one. """ x = _optimal_split(degree) length_buffer = x * length # (corresponds to `num_buffer_cells`) length_absorb = (1 - x) * length # (corresponds to `num_absorb_cells`) # Get maximal momentum `k` of slow mode such that it stays into the buffer energy_func, vel_func, kmax = slow_mode if not callable(energy_func): raise ValueError('Energy function is not callable') if not callable(vel_func): raise ValueError('Velocity function is not callable') try: k = _maximal_buffer_momentum(tmax, length_buffer, vel_func, kmax) except Exception: # numerical accuracy can spoil the inversion logger.warning('k-inversion problem: {}, {}, {}' .format(tmax, length_buffer, kmax)) return 1 # Return the reflection of the absorbing zone try: return _low_energy_reflect(energy_func(k), k, length_absorb, degree, strength) except Exception: logger.warning('low energy reflection problem: {}, {}, {}, {}' .format(energy_func(k), k, length_absorb, strength)) return 1 def _optimize_length(fast_mode, slow_mode, tmax, refl_max, strength, degree, length_init, lmin=1): """Find the minimal possible length for an absorbing lead, such that `r < refl_max`, while keeping the strength fixed. Parameters ---------- fast_mode : tuple parameters characterizing the fastest mode of the spectrum slow_mode : tuple parametrization of the slowest, low energy mode tmax : int or float Maximal time for a tkwant simulation to run. Must be positive > 0. refl_max : float maximal allowed reflection amplitude :math:`r`, must be in (0, 1) interval. strength : float The strength of the boundary conditions. Formally this is the area underneath the monomial curve. degree : int order of the monominal absorbing boundary potential. Must be positive > 0. length_init : float initial total length of all additional lead cells (num_absorb_cells+num_buffer_cells) lmin : float, optional minimal length to perform numerical root finding Returns ------- length : float new estimate for the total length of the additional lead cells (`num_absorb_cells + num_buffer_cells`) The returned value of length in inside the inteval [lmin, length_init] success : bool `True`: new smaller length found: `length < length_init` such that : `r < refl_max`. `False`: not able to find a smaller length such that: `length < length_init` and `r < refl_max`. `r` is the total reflection amplitude of the lead """ if refl_max <= 0: raise ValueError('Reflection coefficint={} must be positive' .format(refl_max)) assert 0 <= lmin <= length_init momentum, energy, _ = fast_mode xabs = (1 - _optimal_split(degree)) def func(length): # reflection criterion `r < refl_max` length_absorb = length * xabs r1 = _monomial_reflect(energy, momentum, length_absorb, strength, degree) r2 = _reflect_slow_mode(slow_mode, tmax, strength, degree, length) return max(r1, r2) - refl_max # try to find a smaller length # for very large length_init the function func() might increase again # unphysically with the length. in that case brentq() does not find # the root correctly and we try to reduce the initial length # in order to have a unique root of func() inbetween lmin and lmax lmax = length_init length = length_init dl = (lmax - lmin) / 4 success = False while True: if lmax > lmin: try: length = brentq(func, lmin, lmax) success = True break except Exception: lmax -= dl else: break return length, success def _optimize_strength(fast_mode, refl_max, degree, length_init): """Find an appropriate strength of the monomial absorbing potential, such that such that `r < refl_max`, while keeping the length fixed. Parameters ---------- fast_mode : tuple parameters characterizing the fastest mode of the spectrum refl_max : float maximal allowed reflection amplitude :math:`r`, must be in (0, 1) interval. degree : int order of the monominal absorbing boundary potential. Must be positive > 0. length_init : float initial total length of all additional lead cells (`num_absorb_cells + num_buffer_cells`) Returns ------- strength : float The strength of the boundary conditions. Formally this is the area underneath the monomial curve. `strength` is only meaningful if `success` is `True` success : bool `True`: strength found such that: `r < refl_max` `False`: not able to find strength such that: `r < refl_max` `r` is the total reflection amplitude of the lead """ # the total lead reflection `r` has absorption and reflection contribution. # a large strength lowers absorption but increases reflection and # vice versa. the reflection contribution (but not the absorption contrib.) # depends however also on the length over which the potential is smeared # (`num_absorb_cells`) and can be lowered if we increase the length. # the goal of this routine is to find a strength sufficiently large that # the fast mode is absorbed. we assume that the fast mode needs # the largest strength A. the strength should stay as small as possible # however to keep the reflection contribution, especially from the slow # modes, small, in order to choose the length small as well. # TODO: can we tune here ? # we could try to lower the strength iteratively, this # is just a one-shot try and error. if refl_max <= 0: raise ValueError('Reflection coefficint={} must be positive'. format(refl_max)) momentum, energy, _ = fast_mode length_absorb = length_init * (1 - _optimal_split(degree)) strength = _strength_opti(energy, momentum, length_absorb, degree) success = _monomial_reflect(energy, momentum, length_absorb, strength, degree) <= refl_max return strength, success def _new_length_estimate(fast_mode, slow_mode, tmax, refl_max, degree, length_init): """Try to find an appropriate strength/length combination for the monomial absorbing potential such that the new length < length_init Parameters ---------- fast_mode : tuple parameters characterizing the fastest mode of the spectrum slow_mode : tuple parametrization of the slowest, low energy mode tmax : int or float Maximal time for a tkwant simulation to run. Must be positive > 0. refl_max : float maximal allowed reflection amplitude :math:`r`, must be in (0, 1) interval. degree : int order of the monominal absorbing boundary potential. Must be positive > 0. length_init : float initial total length of all additional lead cells (num_absorb_cells+num_buffer_cells) Returns ------- length : float new estimate for the total length of the additional lead cells (`num_absorb_cells + num_buffer_cells`) strength : float The strength of the boundary conditions. Formally this is the area underneath the monomial curve. `strength` is only meaningful if `success` is `True` success : bool `True`: new smaller length found: `length < length_init` `False`: not able to find a smaller length such that: `length < length_init` """ # use the fast mode to find a strength sufficiently large # keep the length fixed to the initial length `length_init` strength, success = _optimize_strength(fast_mode, refl_max, degree, length_init) # try to find a smaller length such that both fast and slow modes # are reflected less then allowd by `refl_max`. # the strength is kept constant. if success: length, success = _optimize_length(fast_mode, slow_mode, tmax, refl_max, strength, degree, length_init) else: length = length_init return length, strength, success def _monomial_parameter_estimate(spectrum, tmax, refl_max, degree, emin=None, emax=None, eps=1E-4): """Estimate (optimal) parameters for the absorbing potential in monomial approximation. Parameters ---------- spectrum : `BandSketching` `kwant.physics.BandSketching` instance of the lead. tmax : int or float Maximal time for a tkwant simulation to run. Must be positive > 0. refl_max : float maximal allowed reflection amplitude :math:`r`, must be in (0, 1) interval. degree : int order of the monominal absorbing boundary potential. Must be positive > 0. emin : float, optional lower energy cutoff. If set, only modes with energies above `emin` are considered. Defaut=None emax : float, optional upper energy cutoff. If set, only modes with energies below `emax` are considered. Defaut=None eps : float, optional minimal difference for length minimization step Returns ------- num_absorb_cells : int number of cells for a finite lead taken into account `num_absorb_cells` is only meaningful if `absorbing_boundary` is `True` num_buffer_cells : int number of lead cells added to the start of the boundary conditions with no absorbing potential applied. `num_buffer_cells` is always meaningful, independent of `absorbing_boundary` strength : float The strength of the boundary conditions. Formally this is the area underneath the monomial curve. `strength` is only meaningful if `absorbing_boundary` is `True` absorbing_boundary : bool `True`: use absorbing boundary, optimal parameters were found `False`: use simple boundary, no optimal parameters were found Notes ------- The routine returns the flag `absorbing_boundary` to tell the calling routine if (optimal) monomial parameters were found, in order to construct a monomial absorbing boundary condition. `absorbing_boundary = False` occurs if simple boundaries (only buffer cells) work better, or if the algorithm cannot find optimal parameters or if the algorithm fails. In all these casees simple boundaries serve as a save fallback, but maybe with a low performance. """ if emin is not None: assert _common.is_type(emin, 'real_number') if emax is not None: assert _common.is_type(emax, 'real_number') if emax is not None and emin is not None: if emax < emin: raise ValueError('emax={} must be larger than emin={}.' .format(emax, emin)) # two reference points of the spectrum: # one with highest velocity (fast mode) # one with the highest curvature (slow mode) try: fast_mode = _fast_mode(spectrum, emin, emax) slow_mode = _slow_mode(spectrum, emin, emax) except Exception as error: # TODO: the case with emin/emax, where the highest velocity # resp. curvature do not follow analytically from the spectrum # is not yet handled properly. logger.warning('problem to analyse spectrum for boundary conditions: ' '{0}'.format(error)) try: fast_mode = _fast_mode(spectrum, emin=None, emax=None) except Exception as error: raise RuntimeError('{0}, not possible to obtain boundary conditions' ' automatically, provide boundaries by hand.' .format(error)) _, vmax, _ = fast_mode num_buffer_cells = ceil(vmax * tmax / 2)'switch to simple boundary conditions fallback') return 0, 0., num_buffer_cells, False _, vmax, _ = fast_mode assert vmax >= 0 assert tmax >= 0 assert eps >= 0 len_max = vmax * tmax / 2 length = len_max while True: length_new, strength, success = _new_length_estimate(fast_mode, slow_mode, tmax, refl_max, degree, length) logger.debug('length_new={}, strength={}, success={}'. format(length_new, strength, success)) if success and length_new <= length - eps: length = length_new else: break xsplit = _optimal_split(degree) if length < len_max else 1 num_absorb_cells = ceil(length * (1 - xsplit)) num_buffer_cells = ceil(length * xsplit) assert num_absorb_cells >= 0 assert num_buffer_cells >= 0 absorbing_boundary = length < len_max and num_absorb_cells > 0 return num_absorb_cells, strength, num_buffer_cells, absorbing_boundary
[docs] @log_func def automatic_boundary(leads, tmax, refl_max=1E-6, degree=6, emin=None, emax=None, params=None): """ Routine to find automatically a boundary condition such that the reflection amplitude :math:`r` for a lead stays below a given value. Parameters ---------- leads : `kwant.system.InfiniteSystem` or `kwantspectrum.BandSketching` Kwant lead or `BandSketching` instance of the lead, for which the boundary condition is intended. tmax : int or float Maximal time for a tkwant simulation to run. Must be positive > 0. refl_max : float, optional maximal allowed reflection amplitude :math:`r`, must be in (0, 1) interval. Default=1E-7 degree : int, optional order of the monominal absorbing boundary potential. Must be positive > 0. emin : float, optional lower energy cutoff. If set, only modes with energies above `emin` are considered. Defaut=None emax : float, optional upper energy cutoff. If set, only modes with energies below `emax` are considered. Defaut=None params : dict, optional Extra arguments to pass to the Hamiltonian of ``leads``. Might only be provided if ``leads`` is an instance of `kwant.system.InfiniteSystem` (or a sequence thereof). If provided, ``params`` must include the time argument at initial time explicitly, if the lead Hamiltonian is explicitly time dependent. Returns ------- boundaries : list of `MonomialAbsorbingBoundary` or `SimpleBoundary` List of boundary conditions. The length of ``boundaries`` is similar to the length of ``leads``. Notes ----- The routine returns `MonomialAbsorbingBoundary` or `SimpleBoundary` conditions depending on which one is estimated to be computationally more efficient. """ def get_boundary(i, lead): """Boundary condition for one lead""" if isinstance(lead, kwant.system.InfiniteSystem):'calculate lead spectrum for lead={}'.format(i)) spectrum = kwantspectrum.spectrum(lead, params=params) else: # assume that lead behaves like a spectrum spectrum = lead'estimate absorbing boundary parameters for lead={}'.format(i)) num_absorb_cells, strength, num_buffer_cells, absorbing_boundary = \ _monomial_parameter_estimate(spectrum, tmax, refl_max, degree, emin, emax) if absorbing_boundary:'use absorbing boundary for lead={}: num_absorb_cells = {}, ' 'strength = {}, num_buffer_cells = {}' .format(i, num_absorb_cells, strength, num_buffer_cells)) return MonomialAbsorbingBoundary(num_absorb_cells, strength, degree, num_buffer_cells, tmax)'use simple boundary for lead={}'.format(i)) return SimpleBoundary(num_buffer_cells, tmax)'estimate optimal boundary conditions with parameters: ' 'tmax = {}, refl_max = {}, degree={}, emin={}, emax={}, ' 'params={}'.format(tmax, refl_max, degree, emin, emax, params)) # type and consistency checks assert _common.is_type(tmax, 'real_number') assert _common.is_type(refl_max, 'real_number') assert _common.is_type(degree, 'real_number') if tmax <= 0: raise ValueError('Maximum time must be positive.') if not isinstance(leads, leads = [leads]
return [get_boundary(i, lead) for i, lead in enumerate(leads)]