3.2. tkwant.leads – Time dependence and boundary conditions for leads

3.2.1. Adding time-dependence

add_voltage(syst, lead, phase)

Add a time-dependent voltage to a lead.

3.2.2. Boundary conditions

Boundary conditions for systems with leads attached; used with the solvers in tkwant.onebody.solver.

SimpleBoundary(num_buffer_cells[, tmax])

Boundary conditions consisting of N lead unit cells.

MonomialAbsorbingBoundary(num_absorb_cells, …)

Absorbing boundary conditions consisting of N lead unit cells.

GenericAbsorbingBoundary(num_absorb_cells, …)

Make an absorbing boundary from a user provided-absorbing potential.

automatic_boundary(leads, tmax[, refl_max, …])

Routine to find automatically a boundary condition such that the reflection amplitude \(r\) for a lead stays below a given value.

3.2.3. Analyse lead reflection

AbsorbingReflectionSolver(lead, …[, params])

Calculate the reflection amplitude \(r\) for a lead with imaginary absorbing potential.

AnalyzeReflection(lead, num_absorb_cells, …)

Analyze the the reflection for a lead.

AnalyzeReflectionMonomial(lead, …[, params])

Analyze the the reflection for a lead for the special case of a monomial absorbing potential.